We headed back to find the very heart of our life together.

38 rue des chartierres 1Determined to have a trip through Memory Land, we moved on up the Loire River to Orleans, the city where our life together began. We set out to find 38 Rue des Charretiers, our former address, in an area of tight, winding streets. Not sure it could be called a homing instinct but we had no trouble finding the big green doors that shut off its courtyard from the city noise.

RUE DES CHARTIERRES SIGNStreetwise, nothing was changed in the past 52 years except, when we went to ring the bell that would announce our return to the family, the bell was missing. It had been replaced by ten little buzzers surrounded by names unfamiliar to us. The old family home had been “condo’ed.” No more Monsieur and Madame Bredeche or their son, Serge or his son, Alain. Just buzzers. I timidly knocked on the windows hoping to explain our mission in halting French. No answer…nothing. Read more »

Categories: France, Joan of Arc, Orleans | 1 Comment


Before we started this trip, and after reviewing our finances for it, the the decision was made to contain expenses where we could…primarily in nightly housing. B&B’s seemed to be the answer but which to choose? We asked our daughter, Chrise, to give us a hand in finding those cute but inexpensive hideaways in the French countryside. We impressed on her the need to control expenses and she said, “If you want to go cheap you’ve got to expect cheap.” Reacting to her direct but accurate comment, we said that we had only a few conditions beside the cost. One was free but secure accommodations for the MG and the other was availability of WiFi. With those guidelines she and her newest friend, booking.com, headed for the internet.

Our Chrise was a dynamo. E-mailed bookings started rolling in with prices attached that were affordable if not cheap. Beside meeting our requirements they all had one thing in common…distance from an urban environment. Since we live in a big city we felt this would be a nice change. It turns out her search resulted in some very pleasing experiences. We want to share some of those with you.

Le Theumarie ext Read more »

Categories: Chateau Laloin, France, La Thiaumerie B&B, Le Tertre B&B, Malicorne, MG, Normandy, Sevres, St. Louet sur Vire | 2 Comments


Just a quick update for those of you who are visual-graphics driven. Finally have managed to insert some photos in the 1st Le Mans blog so just scroll on down to WE MADE IT TO LE MANS to view.

PlugsWe’re becoming adjusted to life on the road even though it is gypsy-like. Louise and I have accepted specific responsibilities so we can stop leaving a trail of forgotten items in various B&B’s. I am responsible for tomorrow’s communications so each night, before bedtime, I get down on my hands and knees, bow my head and begin the search for wall plugs. Life was a lot simpler fifty two years ago.

Thanks to those of you who have offered encouragement, commentaries and even good-natured complaints about our journey and resultant blog. We’ve discovered that a blog is a machine that must be fed or it shrivels up. It’s like getting up each day, opening the shutters and shouting at the wind. Never sure we’re being heard, we still feel better for doing it. After reading our blog, we hope you are of the same opinion.

Louise and Ray

Categories: Powering our appliances | 1 Comment


One of the fun parts of travel is dropping in on old friends and meeting new ones. We were able to do both during our short stay in Paris.

WHEEZE, HERVE & GIRLFRIENDThe old friend is Herve Laurent, who lives in Paris. We met in Los Angeles when he lived there for five years. Herve is talented inventor and we produced a short videotape promoting one of his inventions. It has been 10 years since we last saw him but he has been invaluable in our efforts to bring our MG back to France. Read more »

Categories: Eiffel Tower, France, Loire Valley, MG Club de France, Paris, Vouvray | Comments Off on B15 OLD FRIEND/NEW FRIENDS


Sadly, it was time to leave Le Tertre for good.

Breafast at Le TertreCorinne prepared the typical French breakfast of croissants, fresh bread, jams, juice and coffee/tea and we stoked up for the journey to the Loire River town of Suevres near Blois.

Louise w/MG & luggageWe packed our bags, loaded them on the luggage rack and strapped them down with sturdy leather straps. When finished it looked like something from the Beverly Hillbillies and would not have been out of place in a mule packtrain. My habit has become a walk-around inspection of the MG. Oil looked good. Water OK. Tires inflated and, as a precaution, checked the luggage rack. Oh, oh. One of the stanchions supporting the load had pulled loose from it’s mooring. The attaching screw was loose and needed tightening. This may get a little technical so bear with me. Used a screwdriver to tighten it down firmly and checked the other one. It, too, needed tightening. With a silent prayer of thanks to St. Christopher, we set off for Blois. Read more »

Categories: France, Loire Valley, MG | 1 Comment